It is easy to feel frustrated as a young student when it comes to writing essays. All human beings have an innate desire to be heard and to express themselves in many art forms. And because we may lack some bit of knowledge concerning an issue doesn't necessarily mean that we are failures, absolutely not. It only means we have a blank slate from which we can learn, create, and innovate. As you star down at the paper meant to hold your entire essay paper, you might feel a bit doubtful of your capabilities. Worry not, for in this article we aim to give you the tools sculptured just for this mission of yours. We are not understating the difficulty in the task ahead, but we hope that by the end of this manual, you may find some enlightenment and come to your conclusion. That is all we ask.
We will explore the definition of the satirical essay, the stylistic devices that help design it, such as irony and humor. Also provided are mind-blowing tips for producing a paper that will guarantee you above average grades. Broadly, we will give examples of topics worth writing about chosen from a wide assortment of subjects and publications. Our information and the guidelines we seek to bestow upon you freely are up to date and diverse in their reach.
T.J. Miller defined satire's nature of innocent humor by saying that to make fun of your subject matter effectively, one would have to possess a particular love and respect towards them and to understand them thoroughly. It is the equivalent of walking in your enemies shoes as a war strategy.
Thus, as pointed out, satirical essays tend to make clean fun out of situations that seem absurd and overly evil in their transactions. It appears to be a document that contains tools designed for social criticism. Like a sharp-edged sword, it dissects into individual shortcomings, cultural and social taboos, political drama, and outdated societal values. It is easy to see why at the onset of its career, satire was hated, and its authors scoffed at for only telling the truth. Maybe the only shortcoming on the side of satirical essays would be their approach of hiding its sincerity in plain sight.
Other pillars of society have not successfully escaped the blunt interrogation of satire. It has laid bare the greediness of large corporations such as drug companies; racism and cultural appropriation; the terrors of terrorism and social collapse in the face of economic recessions; the extravagant and hidden lifestyles of celebrities and other varying situations.
The most beautiful thing about a satirical essay is that it fails to take itself seriously. You achieve good grades as a student by employing stylistic devices such as irony to make stark contrast of reality to that of your make-believe world. Another method that defines satire is humor, and this is where you must be careful not to force humor down the reader's throats. The best way to employ humor is speaking honestly with the sense of humor that you have — no need to force it to be funny as it finds a way to express itself.
Most of your professors will require of you a creative satirical essay, and this can be a challenging task. A brilliant loophole for this type of situation is to plug into the most excellent source of all, the internet. Here, you will find a robust library of ideas and trending issues already being discussed and critiqued by other authors or groups. Look for matters relevant to your academic level and not far-fetched ideas that might throw you off balance on the first try.
A good tip is to always double check for the authenticity of these media sites as most sites are just clickbait. Sites to generally avoid are advertisement links invalidated video vlogs, and ambitious social media websites on the internet. The dependable sources include news journals, newspapers, academic research papers, non-governmental websites, and YouTube vlogs validated or their reliable material.
Another great source of ideas is your mind, of course. It might sound far-fetched, but once you sit down with your thoughts, a notepad, and a pen, your brain will whip out ideas at an incredible pace. Brainstorming has proven to be the source of brilliant essays and publication. Whenever a topic close to your heart comes up, encircle it, and draw outlines with points of view on the same. An example would be global warming; then the points would include how fast the ice caps are melting, the effects of gas emissions on the ozone layer and similar topics for discussion. Bubble maps are a great way to organize your thoughts in satire essays, and this will speak more to you than any other source.
An exciting way to keep you closer to the heart of your satire is to read a few works that employ satire as its primary literary device. Stories such as Alice in Wonderland, Animal Farm and Gulliver's travels prize themselves on their satirical prowess that has stood the test of time. Creativity awakens when the mind interacts with similar works and understand their importance in storytelling.
Many tools garnish satirical essays, and they include; juxtaposition, which places two issues or individuals side by side and compares and contrasts them from a position of non-prejudice. Irony whether situational, or dramatic that acts in the opposite of what forecasts lie ahead. The hyperbole that exaggerates typical traits, events, and actions is also crucial. Last but not least, witty statements that convey the tone of the comical criticism. Parody is more theatrical and aims to entertain rather than satirize, and this is why it would be prudent to leave parody and sarcasm out of the mix.
Just as other literature essays begin with an introductory paragraph, satire does the same. It should be exciting and mesmerizing while powerfully drawing the reader's attention. A great quote, such as from a famous writer on satire, could be used to help build anticipation on the subject to be addressed. An example would be this observation from Kevin Kline that satire deserves to be real, and as a writer, your purpose is to believe in your characters. Such an introduction is majestic and captivates the audience you intended to reach.
Under this introduction, is the thesis statement. It could be a thesis statement supporting your social stand or an antithesis statement which aims to contradict your position on the matter at hand. An example of an antithesis statement would be, "Global warming is fake news, and the US government would rather spend money on funding ISIS." It causes controversy, and that is satire's highest selling point.
Finally, let your ideologies appeal to the beliefs of your target audiences and by familiarizing yourself with what's socially relevant. Readers interact better with topics they love. Most of these would be topics of social justice and human rights.
After the introduction is over and done, look back at the reason why you chose your topic and the objectives you had as you outlined your essay. The thesis statement is meant to remind your reader why they should invest their time in reading your article. It prepares them for the rollercoaster that they are about to ride. The thesis statement explores how you are going to support your claims concerning the issue meant for critique. The antithesis statement works to oppose the virtues held by most people in society.
Brilliant examples of Thesis Statements:
Worthy of consideration as you plot out your thesis statements for your satire essay is the following examples;
Here, you will have to give credit to the issues that your audience is passionate about as you seek to uncover the voices of society. The elements of literature are as a result of this employed to form allegories based on social events. You will intend to lead your reader to develop their conclusion and decide which is better virtue, or vice. Structure the body as with other essays maximizing on the three paragraphs and a final sentence that decries the vice you chose to explore. Stay passionate and aggressive throughout the body of your essay on satire as it holds most of what is essential.
The reason you begin with an antithesis statement is mainly to finally refute it with arguments that strongly support the excellent opinion you and your readers hold.
A closing statement is essential in solidifying the opinions you have been stacking high throughout the body of your essay on satire. Remind the readers about the thesis statement and finish off with a wakeup call to the readers. Be sure to make a stand on the whole issues, whether in the side of the antagonists or the protagonists.
Essays on satire portray a genre of literature that employs various techniques to criticize societal vices. However, these are not the only elements of writing. For a long time, burlesque, drama, and theatrical plays by jesters were how wealthy people understood satire. An example of these characteristics include;
All along you thought that you were lost when it was quite the opposite; you just hadn't taken the right path. We hope that learning about the well-spoken of and famous satirical essays must be the highlight of your time today. Everything is set in course for you to prosper in writing your brilliant essay on satire. For more inquiries, please visit this website or contact our support crew to draft your school paper and for any advice on satire essays.