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Essay Conclusion Examples

A lot of students wonder how to end an essay in an impressive manner, especially if their experience writing for the academy is not vast. On the bright side, you can always find a whole variety of essay conclusion examples online. On the other hand, no one can write an impressive conclusion without understanding the purpose of this section. So, before we move on to some real-life essay conclusion samples, we’d like to quickly list the features of a quality conclusion and give you some tips on how to write your final paragraph.

How to end an essay: must-have elements

A conclusion is the part of your paper where you remind the reader of the information discussed above (for longer papers). In short papers, you do not have to restate all of the information the reader probably remembers; so, you just wrap up and highlight the importance of your work. That is why all impressive essay conclusion samples will:

  • Briefly summarize the info analyzed in the paper
  • Restate the thesis statement
  • Highlight the significance of the paper
  • Mention the potential for further research (for theses and research papers)

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How to end a conclusion: extra tips

Ending an essay is only half of the deal. To really nail your final paragraph, you should also understand how to end a conclusion, that is — wrap up the wrapping up part. First and foremost, remember that you are finishing up here, so do not include any new information. Still, you need to leave a lasting impression on the reader, so you might want to try and:

  • ask a rhetorical question: a conclusion paragraph example that ends with a rhetoric question invites the reader to think, which ensures a higher degree of interest and involvement in your paper.
  • highlight the ambiguity of your research: if applicable, of course. This method is mostly used for theses and research papers. However, it can be a nice trick for essay conclusion examples as well.
  • include a quote: this trick is similar to asking a rhetorical question, as it urges the reader to think and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.
  • or simply keep it strictly scientific, emotionless: this approach will not do for a personal paper, but it is totally ok to stay academic when working on high-level researches.


Now that you have some basic understanding of the theory behind writing your final paragraph, let’s move on to some practical essays conclusion examples. Hopefully, they will inspire you to write one of your own.

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Conclusion example from a literature paper

We can observe that though Edgar Allan Poe describes different situations and uses various means of creating macabre in his depiction of death, some of his techniques are similar and play an important role in creating the atmosphere of terror. Here the gradation is seen as the most important stylistic device, and the symbolic description of the events creates an atmosphere of ambivalence and equivocalness. Symbols make the reader think thoroughly about the meaning, which makes the narration more interesting and ambiguous, at the same time involving Poe’s reader into the course of the narration, which is seen as the most powerful technique to make the story memorable and controversial.

This essay conclusion sample is impressive because after reading this part, the reader understands what the whole paper was about. This is what summarizing should look like in practice — in about a hundred words, the author describes pages of literary analysis text. The paragraph begins with a thesis restatement — that of macabre playing a major part in Poe’s choice of stylistic devices. Further on, the writer gives a brief but detailed summary of what the paper was about and gives an evaluation of the story in question — “memorable and controversial.” This is a great way to finish the essay without boring the reader too much.

Conclusion example from a research paper

The data proves that males usually get involved in the high-consequence accidents, while females often cause the low-consequence ones. Thus, it makes women safer drivers, but it cannot prove their driving skills to be better, in fact. Women are safer drivers because they are obviously more law-abiding and cautious. Men, at the same, are seen fitter for driving because of their dexterity and the ability to concentrate better than women. Men as well have no problems with the back-mirrors and side-mirrors, while women reported that for some of them it was difficult to adjust to the picture in it. Accordingly, male drivers usually appear to be more skillful, but at the same time more arrogant and, thus, more dangerous. Indeed, to get a perfect driver, one would have to combine female carefulness with male agility. Still, if we cannot do that, we will have to rely on women mostly as they indeed prove to be much safer drivers, for our lives at least.

This conclusion paragraph example is longer and more detailed than the previous one. However, it still follows the basic tips we listed above: it restates the information analyzed in the main body of the paper (briefly, but still in detail), and states the result. Also, pay attention to how the writer pokes at the reader. Even though the author is working on a research paper, he still leaves some space for humor: “we will have to rely on women, for our lives at least.” While not common for research paper conclusion examples, this little trick allows the writer to wrap up on a positive note, without violating any academic writing rules.

Conclusion paragraph examples from a personal paper

From the facts analyzed, I should say that, from my point of view, Iago is not a tragic villain. Despite the fact that his vicious plans did not work, he caused a lot of damage, and he did it on purpose. Our actions are reflections of our inner selves, and Iago’s doings have been monstrous throughout the play. One can hardly call Iago a victim – no, he is evidently in charge of all wrongs described in the play. It is not just a chain of circumstances that leads Iago, it is his own corrupt mind that brings the play to its bitter end. He is not a tragic villain, as his intentions are evil from the very beginning. He follows his goal paying no attention to other people, without thinking about the consequences of his foul play. He even enjoys the ruin and the agony of other characters, which makes him a truly villainous personality, someone whose deeds cannot be understood or explained. Iago cannot be exonerated of blame, and there is evidently nothing that can justify his behavior. The only tragic villain in the play is Othello whose black deeds are the result of Iago’s abhorrent and conscious whisperings in his ears. I strongly believe that in Iago Shakespeare described a perfect villain, the most repugnant and hateful character, someone whose soul and mind are evil and corrupt.

A great essay conclusion sample for a personal paper because it combines the elements of literary analysis and personal evaluation. The paper was written for high school level, and it follows all of the conclusion writing rules we discussed above. It summarizes the information and gives a personal (including the use of pronouns) evaluation of the tragedy. Note, however, that when it comes to using personal pronouns, most academic assignments will still have to be written in an impressional style.

Compare and contrast conclusion example

Concerning the issue of transportation, in Two Kind we do not see any unreal images or actual transportation of a man into a bug as it was in The Metamorphosis. Here we see the transportation of a Chinese girl into an American one, the transportation having certain moral and cultural implications. The change was not easy to make, and it cost a lot of pain and effort, though the necessity of this transportation is somehow doubtful. One should say that in spite of the differences in the style and manner of Kafka and Tan, they have something in common - that is, the means of presenting information. The conflicts they have created have similar grounds as they are based on human conflicts with themselves and their closest relations. The transportations are seen as symbols of changes any person inevitably undergoes during his life, for good or evil.

One of the best conclusion examples for compare and contrast essay, as it highlights both the differences and the similarities in the creative works under literary analysis. Further on, the author highlights the relevance of the paper by stating that any person inevitably goes through these changes. So, the writer kills two birds with one stone — explains why the paper is relevant without actually using any writing cliches.

We hope that these essays conclusion examples, as well as the actual writing tips on structuring your final paragraph, will help you wrap up your paper in the most impressive manner. If however, you still feel that conclusion paragraph examples are not enough for you, remember that you can always order a custom written paper on any subject, any time of day and night.

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